How to use our materials

We believe that free information can improve the quality of the public debate and help politicians, institutions, businesses as well as individuals make the right decisions. That is why we offer all of our materials for free and anyone can download, share and use them as they need.

How can I use materials from Fakta o klimatu?

All of our materials are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. This license allows you to use our materials as follows:

  • share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium and format
  • adapt – remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially,

if you give appropriate credit, i.e. mention us as the original author, include the link to our website, provide the license name and the link to the license and indicate if any changes of the infographic were made. Your final product may be visually different, depending on the media where it is used (website, newspaper article, etc.), but the credit must be always there.

When using our infographic, always provide the link to the page with this particular infographic, not the link to the image. An example: “The Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Czechia by Sector infographic by Fakta o klimatu, licensed under CC BY 4.0.”

You can also generate the citation directly: click the Share button (with </> symbol) in the “Sharing and license” section on the page with the infographic.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Czechia by Sector in Detail
An example of using an infographic from The Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Czechia by Sector in Detail infographic by Fakta o klimatu, licenced under CC BY 4.0.

Available formats

All of our infographics are downloadable. Choose the format of your preference: vector graphic (PDF or SVG) or raster graphic (different sizes of PNG).

  • If you want to use the infographic “as is” (on your website, in a text document or in an email to friends), download the PNG file.
  • If you intend to make any changes, download the SVG file and open it in your vector graphics editor, such as Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.
  • If you want to print the infographic, download the PDF file.

How can you contact us?

If you need to consult with us how to use our infographics or data (e.g. you want to publish them in the media), please let us know at You can also contact our Director Ondráš Přibyla at or call him at +420 775 988 882.

For a brief summary of our project, please go to About project.

You can also send us your comments or let us know how you used our materials. Your feedback helps us improve our work.